We are making some changes!


BLOG: Kairos and Lent in the Holy Land
Last December, Palestinian Christians launched the Palestinian Kairos Document, 'A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of Palestinian...
Israel punks itself
With Benjamin Netanyahu's ridiculous new global PR campaign, Israel just tells itself lies.
ANALYSIS: Mitchell's failed mission
US envoy George Mitchell arrived in Israel on Saturday night, setting out on his mission to initiate indirect talks between Palestinians and Israelis.
BLOG: A scandal for Israeli intelligence
Israeli intelligence has become overconfident and careless, says Mustafa Alani, a Gulf security analyst.
Muslim right to the Jewish past
Archaeologist Yonathon Mizrachi explores the complex histories surrounding the holy sites in the holy land and argues why they should be the responsibility...
US Jewish activist: Why I am protesting the Friends of the IDF dinner
Israel is not the most moral army in the world says psychologist and former Zionist Donna Nevel in the Israel daily Haaretz
Hamas: Abbas must resign after failing to deliver
Hamas on Thursday called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to resign, accusing him of selling the Palestinians "illusions" by moving to resume peace...
OPINION: Learning from the Sadat Years
BRUSSELS - Nearly three decades after his death, the former Egyptian president, Anwar el-Sadat, remains a controversial figure. In Israel and many parts...
OPINION: It is time for Israel's friends to condemn its acts of terrorism
Professor of Political science at the Australian National University, Amin Saikal, takes a look at Israel's intelligence policies in the wake of the assassinations...
COMMENT: Coming Arab summit opportunity for change
The Arab summit to be held in Libya on March 27-28 provides on opportunity for changing the Palestinian-Israeli equation, says political science professor...
Siegman: For Israel, defiance comes at the cost of legitimacy
The Middle East peace process and its quest for a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict that got under way nearly 20 years ago with the Oslo...
OPINION: US can't afford military aid to Israel
Josh Ruebner, the National Advocacy Director of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, lays out his argument for why the United States can no longer...
OPINION: Israel's NGOs must operate freely
A recent attack of credability on the New Israel Fund (NIF) by elements of Israel's right-wing is undercutting an important institution of Israel's democracy,...
Kouchner and Moratinos: Europe must shoulder its responsibilities
Europe must do more than call attention to the contours of a final settlement between Palestinians and Israelis, the French and Spanish foreign ministers...
ANALYSIS: Mossad operation gone awry?
Many questions remain about what is now believed to have been the Mossad's killing of Hamas operative Mahmoud Mabhouh.
Annan: Occupation means strife
Former UN secretary general Kofi Annan calls for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in tandem with working towards mutual understanding.
OPINION: Declare a Palestinian state
In this opinion piece in the New York Times, Professor and author Jerome M. Segal makes a point-by-point argument for recognizing the State of Palestine...
OPINION: Israel's smiling PR drive
The Guardian's Seth Freedman takes on Israel's latest attempt to fight negative public opinion with spin doctors and smiles
BLOG: Getting gleeked on by the chosen people
I've had it in my head that during these nine months of traveling, I will probably be disrespected in one way or another, writes blogger Brooke Dean. I...
Fletcher: Don't deny peaceful protests in West Bank
It has become almost a cliché, yet people, including Irish rocker Bono, continue to wield King's name when they bemoan the alleged absence of his like...